There comes a time in every young ASP programmers life when he must write code for checking the referrer. Be it for security reasons or just preventing the dreaded BACK button double-execution! After writing too many if...then functions in my pages I wrapped it into a reusable function. Just pass a comma delimited string of page names that are allowed and it returns true or false. Simple and easy. This is a beginner function, if you use it and like it then vote and/or leave some comments. Thanks

If CheckReferrer("page1,page3,index") = False Then
Response.Write "Denied Access!"
End If
Function CheckReferrer(sPages)
'CShellVB http://www.cshellvb.com
Dim sRef, aRef
Dim lcv
CheckReferrer = False  
    aRef = Split(sPages, ",")
    sRef = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
    For lcv = 0 To UBound(aRef) - 1
        If InStr(1, sRef, aRef(lcv)) = 0 Then
            CheckReferrer = True
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function